Request and example of using a DLL or other C-lib with CToy

How would you go about using say Chipmunk2D with CToy, or is there another C physics engine that is very simple? I have coded velocity and accelerations for simple animations, but I am looking for a codebase I can play with in CToy to learn how the engine works. Thanks!

Edited by Robert Herman on Reason: Initial post
If the lib has a C API, you just have to create a "lib" folder in CToy and copy the dll inside.

You can then include their header and that's it.

I have the same question: It works good for example with static lib game engines with own image renderer? Like Love2D, raylib (openGL or openGL ES) or just the renderer on CToy (openGL ES)? Can I use a static gui library too? ImguI.. FreeGLUT?

If yes, is needed recompile with modified source to work with this? or just get the release bin?

Edited by indiuuh on